Companion Care Plan

Terms & Conditions

Companion Care Plan 

Terms & Conditions (Updated 26 March 24)

By completing and submitting your Companion Care Plan application form to us, you confirm that you are the legal owner of the pet listed on your application form and that by joining and using our Companion Care Plan you accept and agree to be bound and abide by these terms.  If you do not agree to these terms, you must not join or use our Companion Care Plan.

1.0 Please read the terms and conditions carefully before you apply to become a member of the CCP as they set out important information about both your and our rights and obligations and other key information required by law. If you have questions on the terms and conditions, please raise these with us before submitting your completed application form.

Any reference to ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ in these terms is to The People’s Vet Limited (“TPV”), and any reference to ‘you’ or ‘your’ is to the person agreeing to these terms and conditions and becoming a member of the Companion Care Plan (“CCP”).


2.1 We are The People’s Vet Limited, a company registered in England and Wales under company number: 14432612. Our registered office is at Watergate Road, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1XP. Our VAT number is: GB426995940.

2.2 You can contact us by telephoning 01983 653769 or by emailing us at:

2.3 If we have to contact you, we will do so by telephone using the numbers you have provided, or by writing to you at the email address or postal address you provided to us.  When we use the words “writing” or “written” in these terms, this includes emails.


3.1 On becoming a member of CCP in accordance with section 4 below, you will be entitled to receive the benefits listed in the brochure for the pet  named on your application form. The benefits are not transferrable to another pet or practice.  

3.2 It is your responsibility to let the practice know that you are a member of the CCP prior to you arranging any treatment or purchasing any goods covered by CCP benefits, as these will not be applied automatically to your account. No refund is due for monthly payments where benefits have not been taken/received.

3.3 Please note that this contract does not cover the provision of veterinary services to you by our practice, and instead affords you access to CCP Benefits only.  You will have a separate contract with your local practice for the provision of veterinary services, and any issues relating to the care your animal receives will need to be resolved in accordance with the terms of that separate contract.

3.4 We may make changes to the veterinary services and benefits under your subscription. We may do so annually when the contract automatically renews or during a contract year if any veterinary services or benefits under your subscription are no longer available and will let you know at least 30 days before the change will take effect. If you do not agree to the change, you may end the contract by letting us know at least 7 days before the date that the change will take effect.


The Companion Care Plan is only available for pets that are registered at The People’s Vet. 

4.1 You can register an interest to become a member of the CCP by registering on our website and downloading the PetsApp mobile application.  No contract will be formed between us until you have applied for CCP as described below AND we have accepted your application as described in clause 4.5.

Applying to join the CCP

4.2 Although you may already have registered an interest to join the CCP, in order to join and sign your contract with us, you will need to download the PetsApp mobile application.  If you are unable to download the mobile application you can still apply to join the CCP but the option to pay monthly by direct debit will not be available and you will not have access to all the functionality provided.

4.3 Subject to you application being received and your pet being eligible to join, you can apply to join the CCP.  You will be asked to read and confirm your acceptance of the CCP Contract (which incorporates these terms and conditions) at this time.  You will also be given the chance to ask us about anything relating to CCP before you make your application.

4.4 When applying to join the CCP, you will be required to either make a one-off annual payment or twelve direct debit payments.  The monthly direct debit payments must be set up in accordance with clause 5.1.  The CCP Silver membership also requires payment of a one-off joining fee if paying by monthly direct debit.  This fee is payable with the first monthly payment.  The joining fee is not payable if a one off annual payment is made. 

Acceptance into the CCP

4.5 A contract will come into existence between you and us when we have received payment from you and we have emailed you to confirm that your application has been successfully processed and that payment has been received.

4.6 Sometimes we reject applications, for example, because we can’t verify your bank details or identity or the relevant pet does not meet the eligibility requirements.  When this happens, we will let you know as soon as possible and refund any sums you may have already paid.


5.1 When we have accepted you onto the CCP as described above, you acknowledge and agree that you will be required to make your agreed payment(s) in accordance with this contract, depending on your preferred payment option:

5.1.1 Annual payments.  A one-off annual advance payment to the value shown on your application will be taken at the time you submit your application to join CCP. This payment is payable by cash, debit or credit card.

5.1.2 Monthly payments. If you do not decide to make an advanced annual payment, you will be required to pay for CCP equally over 12 months by direct debit (facilitated by Stripe).  The monthly payments will be shown on your application, the first payment will be taken at the time you submit your application.  A non-refundable joining fee of £25 is payable for joining the CCP Silver membership. 

5.2 If the rate of VAT changes after you become a member of the CCP, we will adjust the rate of VAT that you pay in relation to all future payments you are required to make.

5.3 If you fail to make any monthly payment on the due date for payment (for example, if your Direct Debit/Standing Orer is not paid by your bank) we shall be entitled, acting reasonably, to suspend your ability to access any CCP Benefits until you have paid the overdue sum in full or, if applicable, updated your direct debit mandate. Should you fail to do so within 30 days of us requesting you to make a payment due, we shall also be entitled to terminate your membership in accordance with clause 7 below.

5.4 By agreeing to these Terms, you agree to be bound by the Stripe Services Agreement, as the same may be modified by Stripe from time to time. As a condition of us enabling payment processing services through Stripe, you agree to provide us with accurate and complete information about you and your business, and you authorise us to share it and transaction information related to your use of the payment processing services provided by Stripe.

5.5 All payments made to TPV are inclusive of VAT and for the avoidance of doubt no interest is charged on payments made under this contract.


6.1 Unless terminated earlier in accordance with clause 7, or renewed as described below, your membership of CCP will continue for 12 months (“Membership Year”).

6.2 For monthly payments: Subject to clause 6.4 below, we will write to you no later than six (6) weeks before the end of the Membership Year advising you that your contract is due for renewal. We will send this notification to the email address assigned to your membership or, if no email address has been provided, to your postal address. If you:

6.2.1 do not expressly instruct us to end this contract (e.g. you do not respond to our notice); or

6.2.2 if you expressly ask us to renew the Membership Year, (in accordance with any instructions included within the notice), your access to CCP Benefits  will continue for a further period of 12 months and/or until such time as it is terminated by you or us in accordance with clause 7 below.

6.2.3 Please note that, for the avoidance of doubt, we are not under any obligation to renew our contract for further Membership Years, and where we do not propose continuing with CCP Benefits after the expiry of the relevant Membership Year, we will write to you informing you that this is the case, and your contract will end on the expiry of the relevant Membership Year.

6.3 For one-off annual payments: Subject to clause 6.4 below, we will write to you no later than six (6) weeks before the expiry of the Membership Year advising you that your contract is due for renewal. We will send this notification to the email address assigned to your membership or, if no email address has been provided, to your postal address.

6.3.1 If you do not expressly ask us to renew our contract for a further Membership Year (in accordance with any instructions included within the notice), your membership to CCP will terminate on the expiration of the relevant Membership Year. If you expressly ask us to renew the Membership Year, your access to CCP Benefits will continue for a further period of 12 months.

6.3.2 Please note that, for the avoidance of doubt, we are not under any obligation to renew our contract for further Membership Years, and where we do not propose continuing with CCP Benefits after the expiry of the relevant Membership Year, we will write to you informing you that this is the case, and your contract will end on the expiry of the relevant Membership Year.

6.4 Please see clause 7 for details about what happens if this contract is ended early.


7.1 Our contract will expire at the end of the relevant Membership Year as described in clause 6 above.

Our right to terminate

7.2 We may terminate our contract (and therefore your CCP membership) at any time, including during the relevant Membership Year, by giving you notice of termination (to take immediate effect) if you commit any serious breach of these terms and conditions, which shall include failure to meet your payment obligations as set out at clause 5 and where you have failed to remedy any such payment issue as described in clause 5.

7.3 We reserve the right to terminate our contract (and therefore your CCP membership) immediately should your account at the practice go into arrears for longer than 30 days after receiving notice by that practice requesting such arrears to be fully settled.  We will always contact you if you have an account in arrears and discuss payment options available.

Your right to terminate

7.4 You may terminate our contract (and therefore your membership of the CCP) during each Membership Year by giving us notice of termination to take immediate effect if:

7.4.1 the Pet named on your application dies – the contract will end without further charges being incurred, or

7.4.2 if we otherwise fail to comply with these terms and conditions.

7.5 You may also terminate our contract (and therefore your membership) by giving at least one month’s written notice at any time during the life of your membership or at the end of your membership.

Consequences of termination

7.6 Upon expiry or termination of our contract (and therefore your CCP membership) in accordance with the terms:

7.6.1 if you pay monthly by direct debit, you will no longer be liable to make any further payments to us and will no longer be eligible to receive any of the CCP Benefits; or

7.6.2 if you pay annually in advance you may be eligible for a refund.  The practice will calculate this based on the products and services taken in the year to date.  We will refund you directly if any refund is due.

7.7 If you terminate our contract at any time other than at the end of a relevant Membership Year or do not provide sufficient notice in line with clause 7.5, unless the reason for termination is due to something we have done, or we otherwise agree a change with you, you will be required to pay us the outstanding amount for treatment or services received in the period between the start of the first membership year or the subsequent Membership Year Start Date (Renewal Date) (as applicable) and the termination date versus the payments received into your membership. This is known as shortfall (payments made versus benefits taken).

7.3 Ending of your CCP subscription and your contract with us does not affect your pet registration and contract with the practice.


8.1 If we breach these terms or fail to provide the CCP with reasonable skill and care, we are liable to you for foreseeable loss or damage that you suffer as a result. By ‘foreseeable’ we mean that, at the time the contract was made, it was either clear that such loss or damage would occur or you and we both knew that it might reasonably occur, as a result of something we did (or failed to do).

8.2 We are not liable to you for any loss or damage that was not foreseeable, any loss or damage not caused by our breach or negligence, or any business loss or damage.

8.3 Nothing in these terms excludes or limits our liability for any death or personal injury caused by our negligence, liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other liability that the law does not allow us to exclude or limit.

8.4 We shall only be liable to you in relation to compensating you for loss or damage that is a foreseeable result of us breaching these Terms and, in such instance, only up to a maximum of 12 times the monthly fees payable by you to us in connection with the CCP.

8.5 Where we use a third party, such as PetsApp Ltd (“PetsApp”) to administer the CCP on our behalf, you acknowledge and agree that PetsApp (or such other third party) is merely an administrator of such CCP and has no liability to you whether in respect of tort (including negligence), breach of contract, defective or unsatisfactory treatment in connection with the CCP and/or any part of it. If you have a dispute with us you shall come directly to us and not PetsApp.


9.1 If you have any questions or cause for complaint about this contract and your CCP Benefits, or your direct debit payments, please contact the Practice Manager by telephone on: 01983 653769 or by email: or write to: The Practice Manager, The People’s Vet, Watergate Road, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1XP quoting your CCP reference number.

9.2 If you are unhappy with any aspect of your pet’s veterinary care, please contact the practice directly.  This contract does not cover the provision of veterinary care, and you will have a separate contract with the practice in addition to this contract. If a dispute cannot be resolved using our practice’s internal complaint handling procedure, we will provide you with information about alternative dispute resolution methods.


10.1 The People’s Vet take your privacy very seriously and take great care to comply with our obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation and to protect your personal information including any financial details that you provide. We will use your personal information to administer the Companion Care Plan. It may need to disclose or share your personal information with regulatory authorities for the purpose of fraud preventions and/or to comply with any legal or regulatory requirement.  To read the latest version of our Privacy Notice and understand more about how we safeguard your data please visit

10.2 If you have any questions about the way we use your personal information, you should contact our Practice Manager via email:

10.3 From time to time we may wish to use the details you have provided to advise you of associated products and pet health advice important to your animal’s welfare and of potential interest as a pet owner. If you DO NOT wish to be informed of these please let us know.


11.1 The number of consultations with our nurses and vets included in the CCP are strictly subject to availability and we cannot guarantee that these will be available on the day or time that you request or prefer.

11.2 Unlimited consultations - a fair usage policy applies to membership plans with unlimited vet and nurse consultations.  Unreasonable demand for the quantity or frequency of consultations may result in the number of consultations being capped at the discretion of The People’s Vet.

11.3 Lifetime care medications – the following medications (subject to availability) are eligible for discount at the specified plan rate: Librela, Cytopoint (limited to 6 treatments), Furosemide, Fortekor and Vetmedin.  This list may be updated every 3 months and some medications may be added or removed.

11.4 Application, management and communications regarding the CCP can usually only be made through the PetsApp mobile application which you will be required to download as part of your application.  If you are unable to download the mobile application you can still apply to join the CCP but you will not have access to all the facilities provided.

11.5 This contract is between you and us. No other person shall have any right to enforce any of its terms.

11.6 You cannot transfer your rights or your obligations under these terms to any other person or pet.

11.7 Where you have provided us with an email address, you agree to accept service of correspondence by email to that address. If you require correspondence to be sent by post then please notify us of your preference by writing to it at the address above.

11.8 Each of the paragraphs of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.

11.9 If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking our contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date.

11.10 These terms are governed by English law. This means our contract and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it will be governed by English law. We mutually agree to that the courts of England and Wales will have non-exclusive jurisdiction.

11.11 We may make changes to these terms from time to time.  We recommend that you check them each time you use our website or place an order to make sure that you are aware and understand the terms that apply at that time.