Brucellosis - 

Your Questions Answered

The UK has seen an increase in the number of dogs affected by Brucella canis, but what is it, is there a test and can it spread to humans?


How do dogs catch brucellosis?

The brucella canis bacteria travels in urine, saliva, blood, faeces, mucus, semen, vaginal discharge, and birthing fluids.  Infected dogs transmit the disease by mating, contact with infected fluids and from mother to puppies during pregnancy and through her milk.

How common is brucellosis?

Until very recently the UK has been free from Brucella canis but, unfortunately, it’s common in certain parts of Eastern Europe especially Romania, Asia, Africa and the Americas.

Although case numbers are still low in the UK, since 2020 there has been a significant increase in reported cases due to the rise in dogs being imported into the UK, and pet dogs travelling out of the UK.

What are the symptoms in dogs?

Most dogs don’t show any symptoms after catching brucellosis, but during this time they can be infectious to other dogs and people.

Most dogs become poorly, but it may not be for months or several years later and they develop symptoms such as:

What are the symptoms in humans?

Infected dogs pose a risk to humans, with vets (particularly during surgery) and laboratory staff (handling blood and urine samples) at highest risk. Brucellosis usually causes vague flu-like symptoms in humans, such as high temperature, swollen glands, headaches, back pain and generally feeling unwell. However, it can be much more serious in children under five, pregnant women and people with weak immune systems.

Symptoms tend to take between a few weeks to several years to develop, can last a long time, or come and go. Fortunately, brucellosis in humans is very rare and unlike in dogs, it is treatable. If you are concerned that you have been exposed to brucellosis, contact your doctor for advice.

Can Brucella canis be treated?

Unfortunately, brucellosis in dogs can’t be cured – there is no vaccine.  Antibiotics can be used to reduce the amount of Brucella bacteria in their body but won’t get rid of all of them.  Once a dog is infected, they are always infected, and can be infectious to other dogs and people.

Even if they don’t have symptoms, they are very likely to become poorly with brucellosis at some point. Sadly, the only way to prevent your dog from suffering with brucellosis, or spreading it to other dogs and people, is to put them to sleep.

If you decide against putting your dog to sleep, you will need to:

None of these measures will cure your dog of brucellosis, and it’s important to consider this decision very carefully. Treatment costs will be high, they will always be an infection risk to you and any other dogs or people they come into contact with.

What is our policy?

Do we insist on testing?   

Yes - All dogs that have been imported into the UK, especially those from Eastern Europe, will need to be tested on arrival and again three months later before we carry out any surgical procedures or other laboratory tests.  The cost of the anti-body screening test is typically around £152 per test.  If you are unwilling to carry out testing we will be unable to provide any services or procedures.

What if the brucellosis test is positive?  

We have a legal duty to report positive test results to the Government Animal & Plant Health Agency.  Infected dogs pose a risk to humans, especially if the household has children under 5, pregnant or immunocompromised adults, we recommend they be put to sleep. 

Do we insist on putting infected dogs to sleep?

No - There are other options available, however we urge you to consider their quality of life and the potential impact of the infected dog on other dogs, people and you.  The ongoing cost of testing can also be prohibitive.

Do we neuter imported dogs who have not been tested?

No - We would need to complete testing before carrying out their neutering procedure.  If they have been tested, we can carry out the neutering procedure, however, additional costs will be incurred due to the pre-operative course of antibiotics required, additional PPE needed, isolation kennelling and barrier nursing.


If you have any questions on brucellosis, please don’t hesitate to call us on: 01983 653769 or email